Saturday, January 31, 2009

My Holidays in Belgium and Hollande!

This is ..... I don't know how to say it! It's more than words am gonna use. Because it was so unbelievable! My holidays in Belgia and Hollande! wow! Unforgettable days! Xmas '08 and New Year Eve '09: nice moments I shall cherish ever :)

Ambiance (jusqu'a l'aube), inzoga, music, ibiryo, la joie de retrouver les tiens after a longwhile, les deceptions, les rires, les pleurs, la honte, la simplicite, la gentillesse, la comprehension, la nervosite, gouter a des nouveaux plats, etre recue as a princess, gushwana, babysitting, family, friends, ex-classmates, nieces and nephews, .... whatever u can find in this word: RETROUVAILLES (REUNION)!!!
Mais aussi, et surtout, le nombre de bouteilles naturikijes, the number of caps flew into the air ... mhummm JUS DE RAISIN benshi bazi ku izina rya Muscador englouti,...haha

I can' tell a lot, mais seulement THANKS BE 2 GOD! U'RE SO AMAZING!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Gambie

What a nice time I've had in The Gambie! 2 nice weeks!

We left Skien busstasjon early at 2.00AM, picked the others in Porsgrunn. By 5.00 AM we were at Gardemoen Airport. It was so coooooooooooooooooold! Though, I was so excited to back 2 Africa, the sun, the travel,... the whole journey was so exciting!

8 hours of flight! Finally we reached The gambie. So hot oh My God! Many people, and they were harasssing us (asking money, asking to help us, asking if we want to go..., asking and asking...). A bus took us from the Airport to Mansea Beach Hotel at 500m from the Beach. It has a swimming pool where we dived almost every day! I shared the room with a funny and nice girl, Ida S. She's so nice. She helped me by her funny stories, her lovely comprehension and each day feelings shared before to sleep. "Tusen takk My Dear"

Many places we visited, different meal we ate! wouah!

The 1st week: They took us to different sightseeings. We visited the HQ of Red Cross in The Gambie, Fajikunda Red Cross link, the sewing school, the Health Center, a nursery school sponsorized by Norway, we went to the Beach, participated at the Beauty Queens Parade (parade organized by Fajikunda Red Cross) and they elected the Year Queen. Djalex (a popular and famous singer) performed that night and every one was crazy, dancing, shouting almost standing on our heads!!!! We went to the Crocodile Park and I shaked Charlie's hand (a crocodile)!!! Yes I did!!!! At the beginningI was afraid of course!

Fajikunda Red Cross, Charlie le Crocodile

Nursery School

The 2nd week: we trained the Fajikunda Red Cross volunteers in 1st Aid and Active choice. We visited the Roots Nursery School where some from our group became benefectors of 9 children (sponsor). We also contributed to the construction of the school's toilet. We went to James Island (island where were emprisoned slaves b4 being deported 2 America); we also went to Banjul Market. The night before we came back we had dinner with gambian guys. They really helped us and are so kind.

Every one is smissing The Gambie :)