Friday, October 31, 2008


It's one month and half that my partner and I are working with Skien Red Cross.
Just to summarize what we've been doing till now:
1. seminars: we've been in 3 mains seminars, the first was Active choice instructors course in Norsjø, the 2nd was on Rules of war in Merket and the 3rd one was about Human trafficking in Oslo(HQ of Norwegian Red Cross).

2. work: we visited the Porsgrunn Factory and a kindergarden(I don't remember its name!) and have been in Newspapers for that (superstars)! Apart from that we're working with the youth group in Skien and Porsgrunn. Every Wednesday we have outreach programme where we visit schools and teach them either Active choice, stopp volden or human trafficking, ...

3.Language : every day (except on Wednesday and other days with special activity) from 8.30 to 13.00 we have language course.The lærer are good and nice, they do their best! we learn Norsk, but we also do some other activities. Like this week, cultural week, we've been making bags, when other groups were busy painting and making pictures, and others writting articles and books.(I've made a bag myself!!). Once we learnt how to cook pizza and epple kakke! Hum!

4.Social: people in Norway and Skien in particular are kind. Once u meet them, talk with them they become ur friends. Especially people we work with are very kind, every time they take care of us!

5.The weather : hu lala! Yep, I've seen the snow, and I like it. But, the cold! Banange ndayibatuye!! It's getting cold and cold every day! Everyone tells me that the cold has not started yet!Oh My God how cold must it be to say It's cold??! I wonder!

6.Apartment: I have my own apartment, it's very nice with few meubles but I like it. It is big. Nei, it becomes big (especially) the night! loneless. I cook for myself everyday! Guess what I cook almost every day! CHIPS! :) hahaha

7.The cool things : we went to Solferino last week. I couldn't believe it! To be at that place where all begun! We went to Venezia, beautiful city with an interesting history and amazing culture, techniques in building, painting,...
We're planning the next trip to Gambia, January next year : ten days! I hope it will be nice too. We've been in Merket in Ferie for alle with kids. Five days in mountains, with kids, in cabins. I've been playing bowling, climbing, playing hockey, skateball, crossing the river in the air, doing canoe,... with kids. I can't forget how excited I was when they told me that we'll ride horses: va savoir! Guess how we rided horses: they brought ONE horse pulling a kind of chariot and it took us several rounds in the back not on the back of horse. Just look at the picture u'll understand! :) lol!!!

8. 9. 10. ... I know Skien reserves me many other surprises, not only Skien but Norway. How nice is it to be a YOUTH DELEGATE!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

C’est dimanche le 19 Oct, 20h35. L’avion décolle de l’aéoport Torp et arrive à Bergamo en Italie 22h15min. Nous sommes une équipe de 16 personnes, deux autres nous ayant rejoint le lendemain. Ils venaient de Bergen et avait été empêchés par je ne sais quoi ! Dans le groupe il y avait cinq jeunes volontaires (Ida, Nuchin, Veronica, Jennifer et moi). Nous sommes accueillis par une femme formidable qui nous a trop aidés pendant notre séjour en Italie. Un bus nous attendait à l’extérieur pour nous amener à l’Hotel La Spia d’Italia à Solferino la nuit mm ! On s’arrêta en cours de route pour prendre klk chose à manger : la faim nous tenaillait ! Je partagea la chambre avec Nuchin et Veronica, toutes venant du youth group de Skien. Jennifer et Ida dormaient dans la chambre à côté.
Lundi matin après le frokost, le bus nous amena à Castiglione où l’on visita le Musée.
Ici repose toute l’Histoire du mouvement de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge, tous les outils utilisés (pinces, bandes, ciseaux, brancards, lampes, ...) depuis la guerre de Solferino à nos jours. On nous expliquait différents faits comme on visitait les différentes parties du Musée. Un bon repas italien nous attendait à midi au Cafè Forum à Castiglione mm ! L’aprem, nous avons visité l’Eglise catholique de Castiglione. Ensuite une partie de l’équipe, dont je faisais partie, décida de rentrer à pied : 10km à pied (ça use ça use, 10 km à pied ça use les souliers !). Ngirango twahagenze 2h30min ou plus ! Un bon exercise physique (hope that My Dear azampemba kuko ewana, sport yo narayikoze pe !)
Pour éviter des details inutiles, on prenait généralement le lunsj à midi et trente, le middag à 20h et le frokost à 8h. Nous avons mangé des pizzas dans un restau à Mantova la 2e soirée. Le lendemain, nous avons pris le train til Venezia. Venezia n’est pas belle comme l’est Hawaii ou Sydney ou New York,... Venise est une belle cité par sa parcularité ! C’est une ville en plein milieu de la mer, caractérisée par
 Le modèle de construction, l’architecture, les monuments et la peinture des temps anciens. Quand on regarde les Eglises, ponts, maisons,... tout est OLD-Fashion !
 Le nombre important d’Eglises, monuments et palace. Tout est accompagné d’une histoire trèeeeeeeeeeees intéressante (mais cela dépend de qui vous la raconte, de votre guide). Le Professeur qui nous accompagnait et expliquait excelle en matière d’Histoire de la Rennaissance.
 La foule de touristes que vous rancontrez à Venise ! Wouah !! Am sure ko muri Summer umuntu adahumeka kubera ubwinshi bw’abantu!!!
La soirée twagarutse Mantova et avons passé la nuit dans l’Hotel Albergo Bianci. Le lendemain nous avons visité La Croix Rouge Italienne de Mantova le matin et l’aprem dusura Palaces, Eglises, ... ahantu henshi, toujours guidés par le mm Professeur que la veille. Mbere yo gutaha dusezera kuri Annetti, la femme qui nous avez accueilli et guidait pendant tout notre séjour en Italie. It was sad ! 

La mm soirée twagarutse Solferino twakirwa na Croix Rouge Italienne d’Asola. Mes cher et chères amies cette soirée nous avons bu et mangé (red & white wine, champagne, limonades, amusegueles, spaghetti, pizza, gateaux,...).

Le lendemain (l’avant dernier jour) nous avons visité Solferino The Battle Field. Nous avons visité la Tour de Solferino et avons été au Site Mémorial de Solferino. Ici n’est enterré personne. Ahubwo chaque pays membre de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge est représenté : les noms de tous ces pays sont gravés sur des pierres formant un Mur de Souvenir.
Mbere yo gutaha nous avons visité l’Eglise de Solferino, là où reposent 40000 soldats décédés lors de la Guerre de Solferino. Vous ne pouves pas y croire but leurs os sont déposés de façon originale le lond des murs de l’Eglise ! Ooh Mon Dieu ! May leur soul rest in peace !

A midi nous étions invités à partager le repas chez la Présidente de la Croce Rossa Italiana de Mantova. Une belle and old dame et son mari et leur fille Francesca prirent soin de nous. Wine et plats infinis! C’étais merveilleux dans un décor inimaginable. Nkimwe dusoma mu bitabo pe ! L’aprem chacun eu droit au repos et le soir une fête d’adieu nous réunissa tous : host and guests !
Vendr matin nous avons clôturé notre trip par une évaluation générale. Après lunsj le bus nous ramena à Bergamo où l’on devait prendre l’avion. 18h l’avion nous ramenant home décollait et à 20h twahuhwaga n’umuyaga ukonje, preuve que l’on était de retour muri Norway !

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Røde Kors Ungdom på Merket

After the FERIE FOR ALLE, the children's camp; mon sejour a Merket goes on. Nous avions une formation avec Røde Kors Ungdom (Oppland og Hedmark group). des volontaires jeunes, joyeux, motivated, .... cooooooooooool! La formation a commence Vendredi soir par une breve presentation des participants et du programme de ce wknd ensemble. After the Middag
, nous avons eu le LINEDANCE, with a famous dancer in Norway. She teached us quelques pas du linedance. Nous avons passe toute la soiree a socialiser, a danser et a nous connaitre de plus. Vous ne pouvez pas y croire, but we're with a NICE GROUP. Ils sont contents, vivants, amis, motivated, .... et surtout jeunes!
OOh plus tard Camilla, la presidente du Norges Red Cross Ungdom nous a rejoint. Elle nice cette girl!! Ce samedi apres le FROKOST nous nous sommes retrouves dans la salle ou nous avons ete parles du Human TRafficking in general et in Norway in particular. Nous avons ete divises en 4 groupes et avons fait, chaque groupe, a photo-movie about the Human Trafficking que nous presenterons au reste demain (I hope so!). A midi quarante cinq, Jennifer et moi avons fait une presentation sur la Croix-Rouge Rwandaise et ses activites. Nous avons clos la presentation a leur parlant de nos "funny events" zatubayeho tukigera Norway! Do u want to know what is it???

1. Nous avions des lourdes valises, qui nous ont ete difficiles a porter de temps plus qu'ici il n'y a pas de KARANI-NGUFU (porteurs de bagages). Arrivees a un escalier roulant nous avons bcp hesite a le descendre car c'etait trop complique voir impossible avec des valises lourdes et enormes que nous portions. Par chance, apres klk 3 ou 5 minutes d'hesitation quelqu'un nous a montre un escenceur.OUF! SAUVEES!
2. Pour allumer les lampes dans notre chambre du 1er Hotel ou nous avons atteri (car n
ous venons de sejourner dans plus de 4 hotels differents seulement apres 6,7 semaines in Norway!!) il suffisait d'inserer la carte acces pour allumer. Oh My God, pour y arriver ca nous aussi pris plus de deux minutes a le decouvrir et a se demander comment un tel Hotel a une coupure de courant!!! hafi guhamagara kuri reception tubabaza igihe umuriro uteganya kugarukira!!!hahah!! :)

3. 4. 5. Muzanshake mbibabwire personnaly!!!

Revenons a nos moutons; donc apres notre presentation nous leur avons raconte ces insolites. On s'est bien marre!

After the Lunsj nous avons fait une sorte de QUIZ qui consistait a marcher et repondre aux questions attachees a des poteaux, des questions concernant la Norges Røde Kors. Nous etions dans les 4 groupes formes le matin mm! Apres cela, Camilla la pr
esidente nous a parle de la Norges Røde Kors Ungdom in general et recent news about it. Update! Nous avons egalement fait le HANDPRINT on a white cloth, juste en souvenir de cette formation. The white cloth with our hands printid and painted on will go in Hademark/Oppland Røde Kors Ungdom.

Juste avant le middag, we said good bye to Camilla la Presidente qui a recu un cadeau en souvenir: umupira mwiza wanditseho MERKET. Apres le middag nous avons fait le CAMP FIRE!!! wouah c'etait le moment le plus coooooooooool de la journee! Avec des chansons, guitares, ....pizzas, soft drinks, candies,.... oooh! wonderful.

A cette heure avancee de la nuit (2h du mat

in) nous sommes tjrs en train de rire, danser, watching movies, telling stories and jokes! I think we won't sleep tonight!!!

Good night! talk to u later !!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Ferie for alle in Merket!

Yesterday I spend almost 8 hours in a bus, travelling from Skien to Merket. At the arrival, I touched and felt my ass just to be sure that I still have it after all those hours :)
(joke!) I'm still thinking and telling to my friends, especially those who are not in Norway or have never been here that Norway is a Beautiful Country, JOLI pays! Nice nature, much water, mountains and valleys, wouah! (I like the green hills I like the mountains,...I like Norway). I'd like to spend my life here with My Boo of course (my greetings and warm hug to Him).
The trip was not boring at all. Almost every hour we stopped and let the kids go to ... and refreshing themselves. Just to walk and move the legs.
My excitation was on top when I saw the snow!wouah! Have u ever imagine urself in a situation u categorize like "impossible" or just "ideal" and one day u find urself in it,there, doing what u've dreamnt several times?? That's how I was yesterday.That feeling is still here, inside me!
I'm in a cabine with five cute girls, from 6 to 12 yå. They ALL speak norsk and I speak English. Yes plz imagine our conversation. The information and communication:thank u Norges Red Cross Ungdom, u developped my knowledge in that field! We communicated, we slept together and the morning they find us Zero(0) Killed(K): OK. Today Anneli moved in our cabine, I really needed a translator, yes my Friend Anne u're welcome!
Today morning j'ai fait le Bowling!! Cool, my 1st time too! Yep the snow is not the only thing I've ever experienced. Actually Norway has many surprises to me! J'ai fait le bowling avec les kids. My high score kuri 10bottles is 8! Great thing for a beginner, don't u think? This afternoon we played an other game, I don't remember the name but it's about to throw un petit baton et faire echouer tous les pions du camp/groupe adversaire. Finally u have to hit the KING in wood! U can't imagine : in 3games which were played I hited the King twice and made my team win (twice)! Le moment le plus coooooooooooooool a ete quand on a traverse the river in the air!! How can I explain: on vous fait porter un calecons(hihi) :) en corde, on vous attache a une corde qui passe au-dessus de l'eau et vous glissez en l'air juste au-dessus de la river! u can't stop the screaming, shouting, de part la peur et l'altitude!Coool!
I missed the climbing show; I'm sure I could have been "geniale" also!
On Thursday we'll ride horses!!!!Look forward it!

I think,no I'm sure this week will be INOUBLIABLE in my whole life!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My first days in Norway!

FIRST WEEK: 18th - 24th August

We did practical work on Monday morning by going to the police to apply for a residence permit. We then went to the tax office to apply for the tax cards which took us a week to get them. All this was successful because we were helped by a former youth delegate to Armenia and her name is Miss Ramune.

After the practical work, she took us to the Norwegian Red Cross and we met with Monika Andersen, the youth program coordinator. She gave us a brief orientation and promised to tell us more when the other youth delegates arrived.

NB: We were the most organized group among the rest. We arrived first and everything went smoothly compared to the rest of the delegates!

On the second and the following days, we were taken for sightseeing in Oslo city and get to know some of the things and how they operate them. On Friday all the foreign delegates arrived apart from the Sudanese who hadn’t got their Visas yet.

On that Saturday and Sunday, it was a very exciting day. We were part of the Mela Festival and we were given chance to participate in the voluntary work. It is like FESPAD of Rwanda. We helped in making the fence and explaining for the tourists what the Mela Festival is all about.

SECOND WEEK: 25th to29th August

We arrived at the FK course in a place called Hadeland (in Gran Municipality) and we had dinner together with the rest of the youths from all over the world. They come from different organizations that are sponsored by the FK.

After one week of intensive training, we were awarded certificates in the following topics:

v Fredskorpset - organization, vision & values

v Personal challenges in a new and foreign culture

v Intercultural communication and understanding

v Norwegian development cooperation

v Information work

v Health and security

We then left the hotel back to Oslo.

Third & fourth week: 30th-14th September

We were taken to a youth Hostel in preparation for the Red Cross training (at Haraldsheimen Vandrehjem). We were trained in the following aspects by different facilitators in their respective fields of specialties:

v Introduction to the Norwegian Red Cross Youth

v Active choice

v When catastrophe hits

v International Humanitarian law, Rules of war & Migration

v Information /communication/ photo shooting

v First aid

v Youths on the Run

v Briefing by the regional coordinators and contact persons

On the 15th we were all dispersed to our respective places of work and that’s when we arrived in Telemark (Skien town).

Our impressions:

We are cordially happy and greatly honored for such a great opportunity. We feel trusted and for this, we shall do our best to be good ambassadors and convey the right message you gave us.

As human beings, we are still fighting with some of the challenges that come our way. It’s not very easy to adapt. We still have some problems with the culture here.

Ø The Norwegian are not out going

Ø The weather is getting colder so we are a bit worried

Ø The food is different from ours (the food we're used to in our country)

Generally, we are getting used to the Norwegian system and the culture at large. Skien commune have great hopes in us and we are trying as much as possible to do what is required of us.
